Key Questions Receive Honest Answers from The Black News Channel

Key Questions Receive Honest Answers from The Black News Channel: Virtual Media Day Hosted for Outstanding Journalism Students from HBCUs  by George Francis (STT, USVI-November 8, 2021) Recent social climate changes and shifts in the way news is disseminated about people of color have led to the following questions. Is there a future for Black …

“I’m Articulate:” An Intellectual Response to Spoken Word TEDTALK

by Catharine Seabrookes *NOTE: Jamila Lyiscott, PhD.,  aka, Dr. J, is an aspiring way-maker, a community-engaged scholar, nationally renowned speaker,  and co-founder/co-director of the Center of Racial Justice and Youth Engaged Research. Dr. J is most well known for being featured on where her video, ‘3 Ways to Speak English,’ has been viewed over …

@BLM and the Caribbean

by Nicholas Figueroa The death of George Floyd Has sparked brutal riots and protests all over America. The scale of the current fight for the end to racial injustice and the perpetuation of institutionalized racism, has been likened to the Civil rights era. However, America is not the only place in the world that was …

Stay the F*** Home

A mural of Cardi B updated by the artist Colton Valentine to include a face mask in San Antonio. Cardi B’s instagram post, ‘S**t is getting real’ went viral. (AP photo)     Rhetorical Artifacts –Hashtag Related –Stay the f*** home” The significance of rhetoric in our social climate may be identified through contemporary communication …

Sorry- Apology not accepted

Should Northwestern University’s student newspaper apologize for practicing journalism? Written By Maxiene Cabo edited by Hope Charles-Pierre STT- In their nine-paragraph letter, in early November, the editorial staff at The Daily Northwestern student newspaper published a highly controversial apology. There was immediate backlash from veteran journalists. On behalf of journalism students and entry-level journalists, I …