Student News Impacting the Caribbean One Story at a Time


Russel Honoré

reported and written by Nikiyah Gerson 

10, October 2019- STX recently had a visit from ‘The General.’ 

Not the old white guys on tv with the white mustaches who sell chicken and insurance. But Lt. General Russel Honoré, or ‘The General’ as he is affectionately called by people in south Louisiana.

Survivors vividly remember the devastation inflicted on the city of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina more than 15 years ago remember ‘The General’ who was responsible for saving hundreds of thousands of lives. 

‘The General,’ famous for his blunt style of speaking coupled with a slow, southern drawl gained the admiration ad respect of people who were forced to evacuate the city. Honoré is well known for serving as commander of Joint Task Force Katrina and coordinating relief efforts back in 2005.

A month later, his leadership was instrumental in the relocation of victims during Hurricane Rita. Honoré ‘s infamous words to an obnoxious reporter became a standard retort for survivors, “Don’t get stuck on stupid.”

The retired military official and celebrity was on STX to share his experiences and expertise with local constituents and government officials.

He was featured on the local talk show, Straight Talk with Redfield on WVVI 93.5. and later gave a speech and held a book signing at the Tamarind Beach Resort Hotel. 

Since his retirement from the military  Honoré has been involved with humanitarian and environmental work and has published three books which were showcased at the book signing. Various public officials and supporters were in attendance.

UVI Voice 2.0 interviewed Honor𝑒́ who spoke on a variety of topics; ranging from hurricane preparedness to the lack of a trauma center on the island.

UVI Voice 2.0 interviewed Honor𝑒́ who spoke on a variety of topics; ranging from hurricane preparedness to the lack of a trauma center on the island.

As he relaxed by the outside pool, and slowly puffed on an enormous cigar, Honoré shed light on the importance of natural disaster readiness, and reform. This is important when it comes to how we treat and get prepared for hurricanes.

He explained that, not just on the island but in general, the way we as people react to hurricanes isn’t enough. Honoré addressed a local common complaint that after Hurricane Irma and Maria many people (Virgin Islanders) shifted their priorities on returning to a state of “normalcy.”

He advised that all people, affected by natural disaster should  ”look beyond normal and look at the opportunities we have to make it [our situations] better.”  Honoré also mentioned briefly his plans for the following day, to meet with government officials and possibly share some ideas.

It was Honoré’s first visit to the island of St. Croix and he’s looking forward to coming back. UVI Voice 2.0 salutes General,’ and welcomes his return.


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