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Book Reviews-

A Very Stable Genius: DONALD J. TRUMP’S TESTING OF AMERICA by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig
Review written by Jerome Philbert
In the years since the United States’ 45th president took office, misinformation and controversy have been staple to the administration. These have resulted in continued debate, repeated claims and complaints, and ongoing investigations.
However, perhaps in part, due to how implausible the entire matter is, many of the American public are dismissive of the issues believing them to be exaggerations and even complete fabrications by those in opposition of the Trump Administration.

…due to how implausible the entire matter is, many of the American public are dismissive of the issues believing them to be exaggerations and even complete fabrications…

A Very Stable Genius
A Very Stable Genius by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig reports on many of the recurring issues within the Trump Administration As a result, many may take actions that greatly hamper efforts to address and resolve the issues because, in their eyes, there is nothing to be resolved.
A Very Stable Genius by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig reports on many of the recurring issues within the Trump Administration
A Very Stable Genius by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig reports on many of the recurring issues within the Trump Administration from information provided by various first-hand accounts. The interviews conducted under the safety of anonymity give readers insight into the inner workings and the problems that have arisen from them.
This all lends to better understanding of the effects of the current presidency from a more neutral position. Since 2005, the Washington Post has entrusted Philip James Madelen Rucker with the position of White House Bureau Chief. The Post would not allow the role to be filled by someone it did not believe could perform exceptionally, and as he has continued to hold the position for nearly 15 years, he is undoubtedly respected in the field of journalism.
Meanwhile, Carol Duhurst Leonnig is an experienced investigative reporter who has uncovered multiple cases of corruption and mismanagement throughout her time as a journalist. She has reported on various cases involving government officials and federal agencies regardless of any political affinity or similar bias. As such, her reports can be expected to be objective and honest with the goal of revealing the truth to the public.
Both Rucker and Leonning have years of experience and credibility to defend their integrity and ability, so the information revealed in their book can be expected to reflect all of these traits.
It is important for the American public to be aware of what the truth of the matter is, and A Very Stable Genius offers a thorough, objective source.


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