Student News Impacting the Caribbean One Story at a Time

Feature, International

Creative Poetry Slam

Creative Poetry Slam: Halloween Edition

by: Yari Munoz 

Poetry Jams/Slams are favorites on college campuses and UVI is no exception.

In the past month, UVI students were treated to two events; one on Oct. 29 the day before Halloween, and the other on Nov. 20.  

During the debut event, UVI seemed to have caught the spooky fever. In tribute to Halloween, the English Honors Society UVI St. Thomas campus hosted their spooky poetry slam.

In answer to the great response, the second jam in November was scheduled. The student turnout for both activities was great. 

Both slams took place in the Little Theater on STT in the CAB Buildings. 

The slam was coordinated by English teacher and Sigma Tau Delta Advisor, S. Lyons and students in her class. Also, Maxiene Cabo and Aja Fleur Scott participated; they are part of our own COM 308 student class and UVI Voice 2.0.

Maxiene recited a famous poem from Emily Dickinson and Aja recited various original pieces. 

 In honor of Halloween the event closed with light refreshments, a variety of candies and sweets. Fruits were also provided for the health-conscious audience members. 

 Poems ranged in subjet matter-from self-reflection or about self love from past or present lovers. “The poems were so powerful that they brought people to tears and shivers down a grown man’s spine,’‘ an audience member was overhead to say.

Poetry by UVI students, Madalene Yousef and Triana Warren shook the plain of the atmosphere. The poetry slam was an excellent chance to hear the voices of UVI.


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