Feature, International

Sentiments to Middle East from President Hall

Reprint (STT, October 15, 2023).

Dear UVI Community:

UVI President David Hall, file photo

As all of you are aware, on this past Saturday over 1,300 women, men and children were killed in a senseless massacre in Israel. The more we learn about the atrocities that occurred the more outraged and saddened we should become.

This attack was not just an attack on the people of Israel, but an attack on the values and preciousness of life that all of us should embrace.

On behalf of the University of the Virgin Islands, I extend our deepest sympathy and sadness to our Jewish brothers and sisters, members of our University Community who have family and friends in the region, and our Jewish friends who have stood by us and supported this University over the years.

A peace movement poster: Israeli and Palestinian flags and the words peace in Arabic and Hebrew.

May this tragic and unspeakable event remind us that evil still exists all around us and inspire us to increase our resolve to find peace among and between people and nations, even in the most difficult situations.

May the families of those who lost their lives, and those who are being held as hostages, be comforted. We also mourn the lives of innocent Palestinians who have died in this cycle of violence that we have yet to find a way to end.

As a University dedicated to the quest for social justice for all people, we must understand that what occurred on Saturday is not part of that quest or our values. Let us remember our common values of empathy and respect for one another and come together to support each other during these challenging times.


David Hall

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