Student News Impacting the Caribbean One Story at a Time

Feature, International

UVIABJ Prioritizes Recruiting Initiative for Fall 2023

(STX, August 13, 2023, staff)

UVIABJ began its 2023-2024 recruiting initiative with the help of the Student Activities event CLUB/ORG outside campaign in August on AAS campus. The weather was gorgeous. The atmosphere was friendly. And the students were eager and willing to begin this school year off with flair. Remember to support our young journalists. UVIABJ thanks those who stopped by our table and agreed to share a photo!






  1. Recruitment should be turned up 150%. UVI is actually a great school to attend. Too bad we don’t have the traditional HBCU’s style marching bands. I would love to see more Professors of FBA or Caribbean decent. After all, this is an HBCU. Hopefully, we will get to that blessed point.

  2. It is great to see UVIABJ kicking off its 2023-2024 recruiting initiative with such enthusiasm and support from students. Starting the school year on a positive note is essential, and it is clear that there is a lot of excitement in the air. Here’s to a successful year ahead for UVIABJ! 📰👏


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