Student News Impacting the Caribbean One Story at a Time

Feature, International

SPEAKOUT: “What advice would you give someone going into their first year of College”

by Angelique Lettsome-Samuel, contributing writer

(STT, September 18, 2023)
Mi’Kaylah Thomas
“The most important advice I would offer to a student who would like to attend UVI is- enjoy the luxury of being a part of a small and loving community. Although UVI is smaller than most HBCU’s, this HBCU is unique because they’re big on support. For example, UVI is the only university that I know that would have the governor of the island attending events to speak to students and give them life lessons through inspirational speeches.
In addition, it is important to manage your time wisely at UVI. The university has a beautiful beach beside it and it’s great to relax and escape from how overwhelming college can get at times; however, this can easily distract you from your assignments. As a result, managing your time wisely is a great factor to practice while attending college.
Lastly, be sure to follow your paradigm on your own. Although there are advisors at UVI to guide you, you are still responsible for ensuring that you take the right classes necessary to qualify for graduation. In that way, you will graduate in the timeframe you are expected to.” Mi’Kaylah Thomas, SGA Junior Senator, St. Thomas Campus
Xiaoyu Harris

“Embarking on your first year of college marks an exhilarating yet challenging transition. Here are some valuable recommendations for first-year students: Prioritize organization, master effective time management, maintain consistent class attendance, incorporate regular mental and physical breaks, cultivate new connections, embrace an open-minded attitude, and always feel confident in seeking assistance when needed.” Xiaoyu Harris, senior, Biology Major
-Dhakiya Liburd

Always have an open mind. Be brave, stand tall, and be you. Take advantage of every opportunity UVI has to offer for example research opportunities and financial aid. Be the change you want to see. Stay focused and ask questions, never limit yourself.”-Dhakiya Liburd, SGA Vice President, St. Thomas campus


  1. This is great advice to give to freshmans, especially the part about following your paradigm closely. Advisors are advising many other students than yourself and it’s critical that students pay attention. Ms Angelique hit the nail right on the head with this. Halos to you, younglady.

  2. This article is so important. When embarking on your first year in college, it can be very nerve-wracking and challenging. You are starting a new chapter of your life and trying to figure things out and gain your footing in a new environment. The words of these young ladies can give strength and confidence to the freshman class who may be struggling or are ready for their new adventure. Thank you for sharing your advice with the UVI community!

  3. This was a much needed article. We need more like this. Don’t listen to me, but, I would take classes that are sure to get me on the Dean’s list, my first semester. And, make sure you have a good advisor!!!

  4. This post is really great Angelique. Very good points from the students. I especially liked that you have to enjoy being part of a small community. It is your change to gain friends for life <3

  5. I love that this post was made. So much kids are being thrown into college without much proper guidance. I am glad that now students have this to refer to.

  6. I can certainly attest to the usefulness of the advice provided here. Organization, time management, and cultivating connections have proven invaluable during my first year. Liburd’s encouragement to be proactive and embrace opportunities is something I have tried to live by. Overall, this advice is incredibly useful for anyone entering their first year, helping to navigate the exciting yet challenging journey of college life.

  7. I think this is a great post Angelique. The advice could be very helpful to freshmen who are attending college for the first time.


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